
Fascinated by the drawings in stones – the colours and lines in marble or the dotted patterns in granite – the aim of this material research is to develop new aesthetics by recycling waste materials in a more direct way. I’m looking for dazzling colour patterns, marbled colour schemes, impressionist pointillism and recognition of original purpose of the materials, as if you discover a comtemporary fossil.

Re-cubes are rotomoulded recycled plastic (PP or PE) cubes of 40 x 40 x 40cm, that can be used as stools or sidetables.

Since 2014 Re-cubes are produced in very limited editions of different batches of shredded waste materials. Now we’re working on different colours and patterns in larger quantities, but of course every piece is unique. The mould is welded of stainless steel and in the process of cooling down, Re-cubes shrink a little, which makes each of them slightly organic and cheeky.

To make Re-cubes more comfortable as stools we offer a toppings of 1cm thick recycled felt (with a strap). For a sidetable a 1cm glass topping is optional.

Are you an interior designer, a shop owner (retail) or in any other way interested in larger quantities?

Or you have another request?

Please get in touch with info@re-cubes.com !